The ATFS Annual
The International Track and Field Annual
The first edition of the A.T.F.S. Annual, titled "The 1951 A.T.F.S. International Athletic Annual" was produced by joint editors Fulvio Regli and Dr. Roberto Quercetani and published by Tipografia "La Commerciale" SA, Lugano, in Switzerland.
Thru the years various members of the A.T.F.S. have taken on the onerous task of editing the yearly publication.
In 1985, renowned British statistician and broadcaster Peter Matthews took over the editing and assumed management of the publication from the A.T.F.S., renaming it The International Track and Field Annual. In 2022, the A.T.F.S. took over management and distribution of the publication, with many A.T.F.S. members continuing to contribute to each years publication.
The latest edition, "Athletics 2023, The International Track and Field Annual" is available from the Lulu the Association's "Print-on-Demand" authorized distributor. Use this link to order directly: Athletics 2023
Each yearly edition is generally available by late April/early May, with current financial members of A.T.F.S. receiving their copy soon after publication.
List of Editors
A.T.F.S. Annual
1951 - 1952 Fulvio Regli and Roberto Quercetani (Tipografia La Commerciale S.A., Lagona, Switzerland)
1953 - 1955 Fulvio Regli and Roberto Quercetani (World Sports Magazine, London, England)
1956 - 1969 Roberto Quercetani (World Sports Magazine, London England)
1970 - 1972 Rooney Magnusson (World Sports Magazine, London, England)
1973 - 1974 Vladmir Visek (Bartels and Wernitz, West Berlin, Germany)
1975 - 1978 Don Potts (Track and Field News, Los Altos, California, USA)
1979 - 1983 Nejat Kok (Palle Lassen, Kobenhavn, Denmark)
1984 Richard Hymans (Palle Lassen, Kobenhavn, Denmark)
The International Track and Field Annual
1985 - 1990 Peter Matthews (Sports World, London, England)
1991 - 1992 Peter Matthews (Burlington Publishing, London, England)
1993 - 1994 Peter Matthews (Harmsworth Active, London, England)
1995 - 2013 Peter Matthews (Sportsbooks, Cheltenham, England)
2014 - 2021 Peter Matthews (Sportsbooks, York, England)
2022 Peter Matthews (ATFS)
2023 Richard Hymans (ATFS) and Stuart Mazdon (ATFS)