Membership Details

Membership of the Association of Track and Field Statisticians is open to anyone interested in the statistical side of track and field, be that either current or historical, and in whatever format.  As a guide, a snapshot of the areas that some of the Association's members are involved in are: Compiling ranking lists for their country, state or regional athletics association, providing athlete performances to ranking list compilers, working independently or in cooperation with other statisticians on historical projects, providing statistical references to various forms of electronic media, social media or websites.

The current membership fee is $30 US Dollars, or €25 Euros.

Membership of the A.T.F.S. entitles you to receive the following

  • Copy of the International Track and Field Annual (usually around late-April/early-May),
  • A.T.F.S Bulletins,
  • Notification of IAAF and associated publications, and
  • contact details for interaction with other like-minded statisticians.

If you are interested in joining the A.T.F.S., please download the Membership Application form from the link below and forward, with your membership fee, to the Treasurer as indicated.

If you have any further questions, please send an email to the A.T.F.S. Secretary, Michael McLaughlin, via details on the Contact Details page.

A.T.F.S. Membership Application Form.